Monday, September 05, 2005

FEMA Screws Slidell

Slidell Mayor Ben Morris, not 30 minutes ago (courtesy of WWL's formidable Katrina blog):

"We are still hampered by some of the most stupid, idiotic regulations by FEMA. They have turned away generators, we've heard that they've gone around seizing equipment from our contractors. If they do so, they'd better be armed because I'll be damned if I'm going to let them deprive our citizens. I'm pissed off, and tired of this horse$#@@."

You all need to dial up the calls to President Bush. Local officials are still working hard for their constituents, past the point of exhaustion, even while their own homes are destroyed. In too many cases, their own friends and family are among the dead and missing.

And there's Michael Brown, trucking around the delta, tying up parish after parish in red tape.

Mr. President: Fire Brown now! And send down his replacement with a giant pair of scissors.


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